Our contact data
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
Landhaus Haverbeckhof
Niederhaverbeck 2
29646 Bispingen
Telefon: +49 5198 98980
Telefax: +49 5198 989818
E-Mail: info@haverbeckhof.de
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![Directions/map for Hotel Hof Tütsberg near Schneverdingen/Lueneburg Heath](https://www.tuetsberg.de/wp-content/uploads//anfahrtsskizze-hotel-hof-tuetsberg-schneverdingen-400x400.jpg)
The best way to reach us is via the Autobahn 7 Hannover-Hamburg. Leave the freeway at the exit Schneverdingen 43a and drive in the direction of Schneverdingen.
After about 4 km you will reach a roundabout in the middle of the forest (Scharrl). Here you take the second exit to the hotel Hof Tütsberg.
After another 3 km you will reach Hof Tütsberg. Turn right and drive through to the last house on the righthand side where you will find the reception.
Input for your navigation system:
Hof Tütsberg or alternatively: Scharrl or Scharrler Straße (3 km to the hotel).
Site owner
VNP Stiftung Naturschutzpark Lüneburger Heide
Niederhaverbeck 7
29646 Bispingen
Represented by:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kaiser
Managing Director:
B.Sc. Forstwirtschaft Marc Sander
Non-profit foundation under civil law entitled to issue donation receipts.
Phone: +49 5198 982430
Fax: +49 5198 9824361
Email: vnp@stiftung-naturschutzpark.de
Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
Editorially responsible
B.Sc. Forstwirtschaft Marc Sander
Niederhaverbeck 7
29646 Bispingen
EU dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR): https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
Our e-mail address can be found above in the site notice.
Dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.
Picture credits
This website uses photos by
- VNP Stiftung Naturschutzpark Lüneburger Heide
- Estate of Frau Ilse Goerke-Mallet/Archive Verein Naturschutzpark e.V.
- Bispingen Touristik
- Christian Burmester
- Greifvogelgehege Bispingen
- Heide Kastell Iserhatsche Bispingen
- Heide Park Resort 2021
- Heidjers Wohl Schneverdingen
- Ralf Schumacher Kart & Bowl Bispingen/Andreas Schütte
- Schneverdingen Touristik
- Saskia Schutter
- Soltau Therme
- Markus Tiemann
- Weltvogelpark 2021
- Wildpark Lüneburger Heide and HeideHimmel
If you have any questions for the VNP, please do not hesitate to contact us at:
Stiftung Naturschutzpark Lüneburger Heide
Niederhaverbeck 7
29646 Bispingen
Phone: +49 5198 982430
Fax: +49 5198 9824361
Email: vnp@stiftung-naturschutzpark.de
Web design and search engine optimisation
Anne Bremer Marketing || Kommunikation
![Visit the Exhbitions and museums of the VNP in the Lueneburg Heath](https://www.tuetsberg.de/wp-content/uploads/exhibitions-and-museums-vnp-lueneburg-heath.jpg)
There is more to see in the Lueneburg Heath than you may think!
Are you planning a holiday in the Lueneburg Heath?
If so, we have some ideas for you!